Highlight® for Wipes
A new superpower for our healthcare heroes
There's a 5-6x higher risk of acquiring an infection in a contaminated room that was previously occupied by an infected or colonized patient. Highlight empowers all staff, from new hires to seasoned pros, to confidently and consistently remove contamination from surfaces.
Equip your staff with cutting-edge technology that will help them see their technique improve and get seen for their lifesaving work.
Together, we can create safer and cleaner environments for staff, patients, and their loved ones.

Highlight for Wipes
A patented and award-winning technology proven to enhance quality in weeks.

An easy two-part product that attaches on top of your existing disinfectant wipe containers.

Effortless integration with your existing RTU wipe brands for immediate implementation.
Horizontal feeding feature prevents splashing on clothes or face, ensuring a mess-free experience while you clean with confidence.
Automatic wipe retraction feature is activated after 5 minutes of inactivity, meaning no more wipes drying outside of canisters.

Engineered for seamless compatibility with Lids, ensuring quick and easy replacement once the color is depleted.
Clear visibility of the blue color makes it easy to see coverage and fades within minutes.
Empower staff to clean with confidence through enhanced technique and consistent real-time feedback.

Highlight For Bleach Wipes
Compatible with bleach-based wipe canisters and pails from leading manufacturers

Highlight For Quat Wipes
Compatible with quat-based wipe canisters and pails from leading manufacturers

Highlight for Peroxide Wipes
Compatible with hydrogen peroxide-based wipe canisters and pails from leading manufacturers

Product Resources
Learn more about Highlight for Wipes from our various product resources

Get the Highlight for Wipes Brochure

Safety Data Sheets

Compatibility Chart

Ready to create an even safer and cleaner environment?